Myomar Molecular

Myomar Molecular

Muscle Health in a glimpse. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
$5m (Public information from Mar 2024)
Halifax Nova Scotia (HQ)
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Valuation: $4.5m



Total Funding$1.7m

Recent News about Myomar Molecular

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Myomar Molecular Inc. is a pioneering startup based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, operating out of Dalhousie University. The company specializes in innovative health technology focused on muscle health monitoring. Their primary product is a unique combination of a urine test and a readout device that detects small changes in muscle metabolism molecules. These changes are then translated into levels of muscle health, which are reported on a color scale ranging from green to red.

The core technology of Myomar Molecular is based on principles of light emission and absorption. By analyzing the light reflected from urine samples, the device can predict the concentration of specific molecules that indicate muscle health. This allows users to monitor their muscle degradation or growth over time. The technology has been validated through proof of concept using over 400 human samples and is protected by a provisional patent.

Myomar Molecular serves a diverse range of clients, including individuals recovering from muscle-related injuries, athletes looking to improve their physical performance, and anyone interested in maintaining or enhancing their muscle health. The market for this technology spans the healthcare, sports, and wellness industries.

The business model of Myomar Molecular revolves around the sale of their urine test kits and readout devices. They generate revenue by selling these products directly to consumers and potentially through partnerships with healthcare providers and fitness centers. The company also leverages data collected from these tests to provide personalized insights and recommendations, adding value to their product offering.

In summary, Myomar Molecular Inc. is at the forefront of muscle health technology, offering a practical solution for monitoring and improving muscle health through a simple urine test and readout device. Their innovative approach provides valuable insights that can lead to faster recovery, better performance, and overall improved physical health.

Keywords: muscle health, urine test, readout device, light emission, metabolism, injury recovery, physical performance, biomarkers, healthcare, wellness.