

We bring the future of mobility closer. Learn more

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More about MobilityXlab

mobilityXlab offers young companies with pioneering ideas the opportunity to accelerate.

By offering a dedicated contact person to guide and access the partners competence, networks, tools and insights from leading subject matter experts, as well as workspace, we want to open the doors for companies ready to take on this challenge together with us. Together we will bring the future of mobility closer.

Get on board!

To get the opportunity to join us at mobilityXlab means that you are welcome to join our community and work with us for a six month period. Our aim is that we will develop our collaborations together to our mutual benefit.

Our partners

mobilityXlab is founded by leading Swedish firms, CEVT, Ericsson, Veoneer, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group & Zenuity and hosted by Lindholmen Science Park.

These partners have all joined to be the global game changers within the field of future mobility. We believe that together with startups we can co-create solutions that develop into successful companies delivering products and services fit for the next generation.

mobilityXlab is hosted by Lindholmen Science Park with support from Vinnova & Västra Götalandsregionen.