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More about Backcountry Discovery Routes

Backcountry Discovery Routes is a 501c (4) non-profit organization whose mission is to establish and preserve off-highway routes for dual-sport and adventure motorcycle travel. Through education, advocacy, and promotion of responsible motorcycle travel, BDR seeks to preserve backcountry motorcycling opportunities for generations to come.

BDR works with forest service, land managers, and agencies responsible for public land to keep trails and remote roads open for motorcycling. Through careful investment of funds and resources, BDR is able to map new routes, provide free GPS tracks and advice, create photo and video archives of the routes, and educate the motorcycle community about managed travel on public lands.

Backcountry Discovery Routes' goal is to create a new Backcountry Discovery Route each year for the Adventure Community. For each BDR route, a full-length documentary DVD, a Butler motorcycle map, and free GPS tracks are produced. BDR works with motorcycle dealers across US to organize BDR movie premieres and training seminars.